Swiss Family Willis

6 months in Europe.

Month: November 2018


Today, at school, we made wreaths to put candles on for advent. People in the community can order them and the school makes a bit of money. There were parents and local people helping too. A local farmer brought lots of tree branches in his tractor trailer and we all had different jobs to do. I had the job of attaching leaves to a straw wreath.

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3 months in…

It’s been exactly 3 months since we set foot in Europe. Time has gone very quickly! Though, when I think back, we’ve done a lot in our time here so far.

The weather has been much cooler lately, with most days not reaching over 3 degrees and overnight around -2. We’ve seen a bit of snow falling but it doesn’t hang around for long.

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Chateau de Chillon

The chateau is a castle on lake Geneva (or Lac Leman). It’s in a village called Montreux in the southern and French speaking part of Switzerland. They think the castle dates back to before 1000.

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Herbst Markets

In Basel, Switzerland they have this thing called the Herbstmesse. It’s kind of a mix between a market and a fair because there are amusement park rides along with hundreds of stalls selling stuff, like how cool is that! It’s spread over six squares in Basel and has been going for over 500 years! It takes place over two weeks in autumn.

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Friday was an interesting day. First, I got to school, and had a normal morning, until after lunch. (For lunch we made and ate delicious omelettes for my Hauswertschaft class).  Then my entire year hopped onto a train and headed to Luzern.

At Luzern, there was an expo of different professions called ZeBi. You could look at what they do, how they do it, and what you need to know to do it. There were a variety of jobs from the Swiss Army to electricians.

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Rüeblimärt Aarau

On the first Wednesday of November each year there is a carrot festival in Aarau. Canton Aargau is the carrot capital.

Carrots are my favourite vegetable and so I was looking forward to going. We caught the train because there are lots and lots of people coming (35,000).

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Papi’s Visit

My lovely Dad ‘popped’ into Switzerland on his way to a work meeting in Brussels. He happened to be here over Tobias’ birthday, which also happened to be a public holiday in our canton of Lucerne. Double bonus.

Dad stayed with us for a couple of days and we had the privilege of showing him around Altwis and the boy’s schools by bike.

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On Wednesday, Noah and I missed out on school to go to CERN, the ‘Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire’ in Geneva. CERN is most known by having the largest particle accelerator in the world – the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider.

Our first stop was the Universe of Particles exhibit. It was a big wooden sphere that represented the amount of wood that grows in all Swiss forests, in one hour. Inside the dome was a lot of little spheres that showed some of CERN’s achievements and what they do there.

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